Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) “robust and credible”
19th July 2024
Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) “robust and credible”
The HNDA prepared by the eight authorities that constitute the Glasgow City Region Housing Market Partnership (GCRHMP) has now been appraised by the Scottish Government Centre for Housing Market Analysis (CHMA) as “robust and credible” as of the 7th of June 2024.
This comprehensive assessment of housing need and demand in the Glasgow City Region will now inform the preparation of the subsequent Local Development Plans and Local Housing Strategies of the eight authorities in the region.
Clydeplan and the GCRHMP wishes to thank all those stakeholders who contributed to the preparation of the HNDA.
The Glasgow City Region Housing Market Partnership
Directed by Scottish Government guidance to support joint working on matters impacting on planning for housing, the Glasgow City Region Housing Market Partnership (GCRHMP) was established in 2008. It was tasked to produce an HNDA as an evidence base for Local Housing Strategies (LHS) and Local Development Plans (LDPs) under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. Though the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 has repealed Strategic Development Plans there remains a core statutory function for local housing and planning authorities to produce an HNDA. The GCRHMP continues to develop our understanding of and approach to housing issues impacting on the Glasgow City Region and will provide an evidence base in support of future LHS and LDPs, where required.