The Core Team is the standing professional staff of the Joint Committee whose role is to co-ordinate and integrate the planning work of the constituent local authorities in terms of formulating and monitoring long-term planning strategies and providing support to the local authorities on all aspects of strategic planning.
The primary role of the Core Team is the development of the Regional Spatial Strategy for the Glasgow City Region. This process involves the liaison, co-ordination and integration of Clydeplan's local authorities as well as key external partners and wider community.
Joseph Scott, Strategic Planner - joseph.scott@clydeplan-sdpa.gov.uk
Catherine Lambert, Strategic Planner - cathrine.lambert@clydeplan-sdpa.gov.uk
Grant McFarlane, Planning Analyst (Job Share) - grant.mcfarlane@clydeplan-sdpa.gov.uk
Debbie Crawford, Administrative Officer - debbie.crawford@clydeplan-sdpa.gov.uk
Laura Reilly, Administration Assistant Part time (Tuesday and Wednesday) - laura.reilly@clydeplan-sdpa.gov.uk