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Previous Strategic Development Plan July 2017

Previous Strategic Development Plan July 2017

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Previous SDP July 2017

The previous SDP (July 2017) approved by Scottish Ministers on 24th July 2017 replaces the first SDP, which was approved by Scottish Ministers in May 2012.

SDPs are intended to be ‘concise and visionary’ documents which set out a clear vision and spatial strategy for their area. SDPs focus on the key land use and development issues that cross the planning authority boundaries.

The policy context for SDPs is set out in Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 3 and Scottish Planning Policy.

The previous SDP is based around the four planning outcomes contained in National Planning Framework 3 namely, a Successful and Sustainable Place, a Low Carbon Place, a Natural, Resilient Place, and a Connected Place.

The previous SDP has been deposited at every public library in the Glasgow city region and is available at the Clydeplan office and the planning offices of the Councils of East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow City, Inverclyde, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, South Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire.

The notice of publication of the previous SDP (July 2017) can be found here:- 

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Key Documents

Clydeplan Approved SDP July 2017 - High Resolution
Clydeplan Approved SDP July 2017 - Low Resolution
SDP Overview 2017
Post Adoption Statement 2017
Equality Impact Assessment 2016
Action Programme 2019

Background Reports

BR01: Economic Outlook and Scenarios for the Glasgow and Clyde Valley city region 2013-2038
BR08: Beyond the Housing Need and Demand Assessment
BR02: Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Housing Need and Demand Assessment (May 2015)
BR09: Urban Capacity Study 2013
BR03: Climate Change Adaptation
BR10: Low and Zero Carbon Generating Technologies
BR04: Vacant and Derelict Land 2014
BR11: Green Network
BR05: Network of Strategic Centres
BR12: Forestry and Woodland Strategy
BR06: Strategic Economic Investment Locations
BR13: Minerals
BR07: Land Supply for Housing Monitoring Report 2013
BR14: Active Travel - Strategic Walking and Cycling Network

SEA Reports

Strategic Environmental Assessment Updated Environmental Report January 2016
Habitats Regulations Appraisal January 2016

Other Reports

HNDA (May 2015) Supporting Material: CHMA - Clydeplan - Final Appraisal 21st May 2015
HNDA (May 2015) Supporting Material: Technical Report 07 Strategic Housing Estimates
HNDA (May 2015) Supporting Material: Technical Report 01 HNDA Tool Methodology and Results
Additional Supporting Material: Background Report 5: Network of Strategic Centres
HNDA (May 2015) Supporting Material: Technical Report 02 The Housing Market Area Framework
Additional Supporting Material: Background Report 6: Strategic Economic Investment Locations
HNDA (May 2015) Supporting Material: Technical Report 03 Oxford Economics
Additional Supporting Material: Background Report 10 GCV Landscape Capacity Study January 2016
HNDA (May 2015)Supporting Material: Technical Report 04 Demographic Change
Additional Supporting Material: Background Report 12 Environmental Report Forestry and Woodland Strategy
HNDA (May 2015) Supporting Material: Technical Report 06 The Approach to Existing Need
Additional Information to Support Background Report 12 Forestry and Woodland Strategy Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report
Affordability Trends: House Prices, Rent and Incomes

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