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Industry, Business and Offices Monitoring Report 2019-20

Industry, Business and Offices Monitoring Report 2019-20

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Industry, Business and Offices Monitoring Report 2019-20

10th January 2022

Industry, Business and Offices Monitoring Report 2019-20

Industry, Business and Offices Monitoring Report 2019-20

Clydeplan have now published their industry, business and offices monitoring report for the period 2019-20. The monitoring report provides statistics and analysis of the land supply for industrial and business uses, provides details of the take up of land for these uses and the development of land for industry for business in the Strategic Development Plan area. The analysis is based on industrial and business land supply data provided by the Clydeplan’s constituent Authorities.

The monitoring process comprises of four main stages: 

                 I.          Monitoring of vacant industrial and business sites and an analysis of their changing character and suitability for development. This also includes both Specialised sites and land currently in use for industrial and business purposes but where no physical development has taken place and where such land could become immediately available for development if the current use ceased.

               II.          Monitoring of all industrial and business development trends, take up and development potential, including non-industrial activity in industrial zoned areas and on the industrial land supply.

              III.          Monitoring of the deallocation of industrial and business land

             IV.          An assessment of industrial and business related applications to provide an indication of potential additional floorspace, take-up and development potential and pressures, including change of use from industrial purposes to non-industrial uses.

Key Headlines from 2019/20 analysis

  • There is 904.75 Hectares of land across the Glasgow City Region available for industry and business purposes

  • The total take up of Glasgow City Region land is 18.1Ha.  This includes take up for industrial purposes and take up of both land previously on the industry and business land supply and in industrial zoned locations land for non-industrial purposes

  • There is approximately 25.79 years supply of land available for industry and business purposes across the city region

  • 5.32 Hectares has been deallocated from the industrial land supply.  This was all on brownfield land and for residential development opportunity purposes

  • 136 applications were received during the monitoring period – 95 (70%) for industrial purposes, 26 (19%) for non-industrial purposes and 15 (11%) related to hotels, lettings and serviced apartments

  • There is increasing pressure for industrial uses in non-industrial designated areas

  • There is pressure for non-industrial uses in the Authorities industrial zoned locations

Clydeplan have also produced an interactive mapping tool to accompany the 2019/20 analysis -


Industry, Business and Offices Monitoring Report 2019-20 PDF 1.45MB

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